During the last 19 years, our HAZE company has supplied hundreds of technological elements for many stables, farms and other agricultural buildings. Among our satisfied customers belong farms, agricultural collective and horse stables in the Czech Republic and in the Slovak Republic. You can take a look at our top 19 project solution which were built lately.
TOP PROJECT 01 Farm Bohdalov

Farm is one of our long-term clients. This time we participated in the
construction of a new calf house. In the building we installed a total of 6
side ventilation walls type D+, equipped with a collar that ensures sealing in
the lower part of the sails. In this ventilation system, the sail rolls up the
shaft to the desired height, and further the system can move vertically. We
also specially designed the canvas roofing for the individual calf boxes for
this calf house and installed both sliding and rolling doors.
TOP PROJECT 02 Farm Nížkov

calf houses are one of our most frequent realizations. On the farm in Nížkov we
installed the popular side ventilation system type D, which takes care of
ventilation and shading of the stables. In this type of ventilation system, the
tarpaulin rolls up the shaft to the desired height, and the system can also be
moved vertically. We also installed a Haze electric roller door in the stable.
TOP PROJECT 03 Farm Pikárec

The new calf house on the farm in Pikárec was created by reconstructing the old hay barn, which no longer suited the needs of the owners. The new structure, which was completed in November 2022, is fitted with D+ side ventilation walls without a collar. There is also a laminate Haze ventilation slit without a flap, electric roller doors and sliding doors fitted with a seal coat to prevent draughts entering the stable.
TOP PROJECT 04 Farm Vlčkovice
On a
farm in Vlčkovice, Slovakia, our D+ side ventilation system solved the problem
of outdated and dysfunctional technology that had long outlived its purpose.
The older torn tarpaulin that covered the cattle milking parlour was replaced
by a D+ side roller wall - one piece with a height of 5 bm and a width of 47.5
bm. The wall can now be conveniently operated (the tarpaulin rolls up the shaft
to the desired height, and the system can be moved vertically) to provide
optimum ventilation and shading. Compared to the D system, the shaft of this
version is in the centre of the sail, which ensures faster furling, as the top
and bottom of the sail are furled at the same time.
TOP PROJECT 05 Farm Olbramice

2020, we participated in the construction of one of the most modern cattle
stables in the Czech Republic, which RenoFarmy built on its farm in Olbramice.
Here you will find the best products from the Haze offer - a double-leaf ridge
ventilation slot controlled by an electric drive, a side ventilation system
type D and electric roller gates. Most of the activities on the farm are fully
automatic, which also applies to our elements - all of them are controlled by
the latest model of the Haze weather station. In addition to the roof slot,
side canvases and roller gates (made at the client's request in the company
colors), we also supplied several smaller elements for the construction, such
as solid wall fillings or milking parlor equipment.
TOP PROJECT 06 Holešov-Dobrotice riding school

The riding school in Holešov-Dobrotice is operated by the company Jacom. There used to be a solid wall in the building, which, however, made it impossible to ventilate the riding hall and it was unbreathable inside in the summer. Haze has replaced the solid wall with a side ventilation system type F consisting of a polycarbonate wall. In this case, the solution is unique in that it is a single piece of polycarbonate wall (usually the side walls consist of several pieces), which can be arbitrarily lowered and ventilated as needed. We can manufacture the side ventilation system type F consisting of a single wall up to a length of 65 meters.
TOP PROJECT 07 Farm Rybná nad Zdobnicí

Thanks to gradual innovations, today we are able to install our side ventilation system type D up to a length of 100 meters - while the entire system is powered by a single engine. The calf on the farm in Rybná nad Zdobnicí is 80 meters long, while the canvases are 4.5 meters high. The system serves not only for ventilation of the stable, but also for shielding. The side ventilation system type D has a great advantage over other models in that it lacks support networks, which are replaced by massive rubber profiles that serve as the guide and support for the entire system. We also installed Haze electric roller gates in this stables for young cattle.
TOP PROJECT 08 Farm Bohdalov

brand new stables for cattle were built on the farm in Bohdalov, including a
waiting area and a milking parlour. Our
company supplied them with the most advanced of our side ventilation systems -
the type D side ventilation system. In this model, the canvas is wound onto a
shaft to achieve the desired covering height, and the system can also move vertically. The
roofs of the stables are fitted with laminated plastic vents without a damper.
We also installed Haze roller gates in the buildings. As regards the waiting
area and the milking parlour, the two rooms are separated with leaved and sliding
gates made of PUR panels. The waiting area is fitted with a type F side
ventilation system, which consists of polycarbonate walls. In the milking parlour, you will find a
double-leaf ridge went and sectional and roller gates.
TOP PROJECT 09 Farm Okrouhlá Radouň

have installed a type B side ventilation system in a new, beautifully spacious
and bright cattle stable in the agricultural cooperative in Okrouhlá Radouň.
Nowadays, this type is one of the most popular. In this case, the canvas is
suspended at the top on steel cables, which are connected onto the main cable
that is then reeled via pulleys onto a motor drum. This is how vertical
movement is secured. At the bottom, a shaft connected to a motor is attached to
the canvas. When the canvas is in motion, the shaft winds the canvas up at the
bottom. The ventilation system is connected to the state-of-the-art Haze
weather station. In Okrouhlá Radouň, you will also find our roller gates and
sliding gates with strip panelling. A ridge vent without air flow control has
been installed in the roof.
TOP PROJECT 10 John Deere Ovčáry

VIP customer, STROM PRAHA, the exclusive distributor of John Deere equipment
for the Czech Republic, wanted us to design a rolling gate in a version wider
than can be manufactured for the construction of its premises in Ovčary near
Kolín. Instead, we recommended a side ventilation system type E. The height of
the opening is 3.5 m, the canvases are 14.9 rm, 17 rm, 20 rm and 14.5 rm wide.
All visible elements are in anthracite color to maintain the overall appearance
of the building. In the space under the wound canvas, there are two vertical
sliding guide supports, which allow maximum passage. Without moving the
vertical supports, the passage width of 5-7 running meters is always
maintained, depending on the given width of the opening. We also installed a
solid canvas panel above the opening and from the side.
TOP PROJECT 11 Farm Svinišťany

The stall for milking cattle in the Svinišťany farm was inspected and approved for use in the autumn 2019. Our company installed sidewall ventilation systems - D type (SVS D) - always two panels for each of the stall sides - in the building. A central curtain that protects the stall from excessive draughts is installed between both sidewalls. The edges of the sidewalls are fitted with inner and outer curtain endings to protect the edges of the curtains from being torn when a gust of wind comes, thus prolonging the life of the ventilation system. All four sidewalls can be comfortably controlled by means of a clearly arranged control panel. We also installed an electric roller gate with steel guide profiles in a galvanized finish, fitted with brushes enabling silent handling of the gate, and with a galvanized roofing.
TOP PROJECT 12 Farm Uhřice

In the dairy farm in Uhřice, we installed one novelty in addition to a standard electric roller gate and sidewalls. At the request of the owners, who use an automated feed pusher for feed pushing in the feeding aisle, we developed a customized system of automated control for the electric gate. Thanks to the system, the roller gate opens automatically to let the approaching robot through, after which the gate is closed again to avoid unnecessary loss of heat. As soon as the robot finishes its work and starts heading out of the stall, the gate is partially opened once again, the feed pusher passes through, after which the gate is automatically closed again. Thanks to this unique system from Haze, the roller gate is controlled in a fully automated manner, and the robot can perform its work without any intervention by human personnel. For details about this system see the Roller Gates section, where you will also find a demonstration video.
TOP PROJECT 13 Farm Nový Telečkov

The calf shed for 210 calves in Nový Telečkov was inspected and approved for use in September 2019. Our company installed sidewall ventilation systems - B type (SVS B) in the building. In the case in this type, the canvas is suspended at the top on steel cables, which are connected onto the main cable that is then reeled via pulleys onto a motor drum. At the bottom, a shaft connected to a motor is attached to the canvas. When the canvas is in motion, the shaft winds the canvas up at the bottom. The ventilation system is connected to the brand new Haze AG06 weather station with a modern touch screen, which enables automatic control of the ventilation system. You will also find a ridge vent and an electric roller gate from Haze in the shed.
TOP PROJECT 14 Farm Vadín

A new cattle stable is located on the livestock farming site in Vadín which is owned by the Agro Posázaví Company. In this state-of-the-art structure designed for 600 dairy cows our company installed six of our up-to-date side ventilation systems, type D, each being connected to our AG05 weather station which is fitted with wind, rain and temperature sensors. Besides our ventilation systems, the Vadín farm is also equipped with our steel wing gates with batten lining and with roofed electric rolling gates.
TOP PROJECT 15 Farm Podmyče
Agricultural farm Podmyče, which falls within Zemědělské družstvo Petřín (Agricultural Collective Petřín) of RHEA Holding, holds a number of our most cutting-edge solutions. Ideal conditions in the stables are provided by type D electric mobile rolling walls along with a double-leaf ridge vent.
TOP PROJECT 16 Farm Hněvkovice
For the modern cattle stable located in the ZEMKO Kožlí compound in Hněvkovice, we installed a roller door and side ventilation systems connected to a weather station. The side walls are of type D: the canvas is rolled up onto a bottom shaft with electric drive and the top mounting of the canvas is also mobile. Both shafts can move up and down and the canvas can be unrolled even in the central section of the wall.
TOP PROJECT 17 Královice (Riding hall)

One of our latest implementations can be found on the riding grounds of Královický Dvůr in Královice u Slaného. We outfitted the local riding hall's existing timbering with electrically controlled type C side ventilation walls with the canvas fastened in the top. In fair weather, the canvas can be simply rolled up top to allow a pleasant flow of air through the riding hall. Once wind starts blowing, or it snows or rains, the walls get pulled down and the customers can continue riding on without issue.
TOP PROJECT 18 Farm Jilem
The cattle farm in Jilem features a number of our technological elements. The walls of the stable carry our latest type D side ventilation systems with two mobile shafts. This ventilation system is complemented by the most common ridge vent solution in the form of a laminate vent without damper. Entrances to the stable are fitted with roller gates with roofing (electric and chain variant) and a sliding, double-leaf steel gate. Waiting halls in front of milking parlours are fitted with type F polycarbonate walls. The system enables fully closing the walls in winter to prevent the waiting hall from freezing.
TOP PROJECT 19 Farm Mladoňovice
We utilised a number of new, more modern elements in this realisation. Since we strive to continue improving our products in pace with newly developed materials that enter the market. We fitted the cattle stables in Mladoňovice with type C side ventilation walls, but using new canvases from Austrian manufacturer Sattler, which have 30 % more higher rigidity and better light permeation. The ventilation systems now features firmer sealing, more durable guides and new rubber that does not leave stains as easily. The stable is also equipped with a classic ridge vent without air flow control and roofed roller gate with new noise dampening bristles for windy weather, creating a more comfortable and quieter atmosphere in the stable.
and other satisfied customers are:
ZD Trhový Štěpánov, Zemědělské družstvo KNĚŽMOST (Jičín), Zemědělská akciová společnost Koloveč (okres Domažlice), ZEOS Dolní Lipka, Avena Kravaře farma Blíževedly, AGRO Bílá, a. s., AGRO Dolní Kralovice, AGRO Dolní Kralovice, Zevyt, s. r. o., Kladruby, Květov, Dolní Kralovice, Loukovec, Olešná, Počátky, Popovice, Samšín, Agromont Vimperk atd.